Business Etiquette Seminar

Business Etiquette Seminar (Coming Soon)

Business Etiquette Seminar (BES), is a one-day session that addresses awkward behavior in the workplace. The Fort Worth School of Etiquette, LLC will give you the secrets and tools needed to operate a successful company in the 21st century. The BES is a turning point and serves as a model for college graduates, employees, employers, and all C-suite executives.  Our training is designed to equip each student with the knowledge and confidence to operate within any successful. organization. 

Topics Includes:

Giving the perfect Presentation
Business card savvy
Public speaking
Working the room
How to pass the seven second test

Powerful Presence

Business Lunch Dilemma
What’s on the menu 
Use of utensils
Table manners / Protocol for any occasion from fast food to fine dining.

Online etiquette
International etiquette
Social etiquette
Thank you notes

The Interview
I am – Introduction
What’s in your briefcase
Grooming and style
Do your research

Suited for success
Color code
Professional Attire

Travel Etiquette
Domestic travel
International travel